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А что за интересное сообщение пришло от PHP Overseer? Что-то про то, что игрок "has violated the rules of the Echo Cluster". Что за правила он нарушил?
Version 3.64
+ Destination of chunnel is shown as a yellow dotted line
+ Chunnel-Check in SHIFT-F11 - Most common Mistakes
S-Chunnel -> Green: A (Firecloud) ship tries to perform a chunnel (has FC set)
No Start: -> Origin ship fails because of wrong own parameters (fuel/warp/tow etc.)
No End: -> destination ship(s) fail because of wrong parameters (fuel/warp/tow etc.)
Low Distance: -> Distance for Chunnel is to short (i.e. 100LY)
! Waypoint of ships with warp are shown as dotted lines
+ added support for Unity-Addon. Borg colonits prediction with Fcode DA? is shown correctly.
! Fixed a nasty bug that assimilation grow was not displayed on non-growning planets.
+ added support for Unity-Addon AHP-Jump
+ added support for Unity-Addon advanced Merlin
+ added Unity Advanced Jump in SHIFT-F11 - Most common Mistakes
+ added DA max disassemble in SHIFT-F11 - Most common Mistakes
+ added VPAADDON.INI to manage Addon-Functionality (CTRL-U)
+ permorming HYP/AHP Jumps are shown in different color, wrong Destinations are shown dotted
! Borg Self Repair valid only with Fuel
+ integrated Calculator! (ALT-C)
+ With SHIFT-F9 you can draw now amounts of units, too
+ Check sweep (msc) and mines (md?, mi?) within Most Common Mistakes
! MineSim Bugfixed, swept mines are shown now better
! Experimatal: CTRL-U allows writing of {FOLDER}\VPA.INI (requested by users)
+ Check Addon Starbase+ Money-Transfer, RMT and TM[1-5] Base-Codes within Common Mistakes SHFT-F11
Even Moneytranser from Settings are handle
Страница проекта: http://sourceforge.net/projects/vpa/
Похоже, зачесалась не на шутку: уже лежит четвертая бета версии 3.64 http://sourceforge.net/projects/vpa/
Чтобы запустить VPA в Windows 7 понадобится эмулятор DosBox, скачать можно тут: http://www.dosbox.com/download.php?main=1
В конфигах ДосБокса можно подмонтировать папку с планетсами как диск, команда вида:
mount с d:\games\planets
по этой команде папка d:\games\planets станет доступна внутри эмулятора как диск С:
Вроде написан старт без кораблей, а у меня над базой парочка висит. Это нормально?
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