Инструменты пользователя

Инструменты сайта


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Host Events Order

- Update of clientside-actions: - own cargotransfers - planetary structures built - starbases built - alliance codes checked - jettison from ships - lock towbeam - Cheat detect - Cloak - AuxHost1.bat - AuxHost1.ini - Meteor shower - Sensor sweep & bioscan - Loki first decloak - Cloak fail - Superspy deluxe (Fcode change) - Minefield fcodes established - Lady Royale generates MCs - Most Mission 9, in order of ID:

  • Rob
  • Hiss
  • Build fighters (incl. 'lfm')
  • Repair Self (Borg)
  • Dark sense

- Cargo drop (ship - planet)

  • including Imperial Assault
  • including Ground Combat

- Transfers (ship to foreign ship) - Beam transfer fcodes (by ID)

  • including give ships (gsX)

- Planets beam up money («bum») - Gather missions - Alchemy - Lay mines - Lay web mines - Ion storms:

  1. move
  2. join
  3. decloak ships
  4. damage ships
  5. drag ships
  6. new storms formed
  7. affect minefields

- Mine sweep/scoop - Mine decay - Mines destroy mines - New minefield fcodes established - Web drain - Starbases fix or recycle ships - First build new ships - Clone ships - Super refit - Force a surrender at starbase - Mass check, repair & mkt - Towing ships move - Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel - Warpwell calculation - Most ships move (Incl. HYP) - Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel - Warpwell calculation - Intercepting ships move - Cobol Ramscoop makes fuel - Warpwell calculation - Glory device ships detonate - Firecloud chunnel - Loki second decloak - Starbase Primary Orders - Starbases build 'free' fighters - Starbases dump parts (dmp) - Mass check, repair & mkt - New natives appear - Colonise ships - AUXBC.INI - Loki third decloak (только в host 3.22.047!! этой фазы нет в 3.22.025.) - Glory device ships detonate - Mass check, repair & mkt - Ship vs. ship combat - Borg gather debris - Mass check, repair & mkt - Ship vs. planet/base combat - Minefield fcodes established - Terraforming - Structure decay - Fascists Pillage planets - Rebel Ground Attack - Happiness change computed - Supplies produced (inc Bovinoids) - Taxes produce MCs (if HP > 30) - Borg assimilate natives - Population growth (if HP > 69) - Overpopulation dies/eats supplies - Amorphous worms eat clans - Riots - Civil wars - Mines produce minerals - Trans-uranium mutation - Second ship build - Mass check, repair & mkt - Superspy / Explore - Make score log - PBP Messages - Auxhost2.bat - Auxhost2.ini - Mass check, repair & mkt - Dump old messages - Count UFO's

timhostorder.1197973793.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2007/12/18 11:29 — valexey